Reading Blog #6 (265 words)

     The website that I am reviewing is, “All About Birds”. This website was created by the Cornell lab of ornithology. For that reason, I was able knock off multiple CRAAP categories in one go. The reputability of the research, content and studies that Cornell and other major universities like; Purdue, MIT and Caltech produce is why I trust them. Upon further reading through the website, I was able to find when it was written, August 2016. Knocking off the last category, how current the article is it is. Altogether the website passes the CRAAP test and is very reliable.

     The website contains a wide range of information.  On the main page, of the Barn Owls section, is the overview. Within the overview you can find the description, range of living, the scientific name, diet and habitat. The scientific name of the Barn Owl is Tyto alba. It lives in the grasslands and eats small mammals. All of that information is found on the overview page. The next page in the Barn Owl’s section houses all of the identification information.  Some of the information that can be found in this section is the color, size and physical appearance. The next two sections contain information on the life history and a map of where the Barn Owl lives. The last section on the Barn Owl is the sounds section which contains various clips of the Barn Owl’s various hoots.

     After this review of the website, I feel that this website along with others, will give me all the information that I need to complete my species profile.


Davis, M. (2016, August 24). Barn Owl Overview, All About Birds, Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Retrieved February 22, 2018, from

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